Sunday, September 23, 2007

92 Days to Christmas

I'm a mobile at the moment. This week I've worked in Fashion Accessories, Linens and Soft Furnishings, Clearance Shop and the Christmas Shop. On Monday I did everything but the Christmas Shop and it was not a good day. Linens turned out to be an expensive way to spend 7.5 hours on a Saturday, I ended up buying new bedding for me, and I've seen new bedding for Boy as well. Ouch. The bedding is gorgeous, thick cotton sheets, chocolate with a flowery pattern. Pretty, but not overly feminine. My bed looks great. I can't wait to get into it tonight.

Today, I was in the Christmas Shop. Now, those of you who have been with me for some time, will remember I am not over-infused with the Christmas Spirit. Fa-la-la-la-la-fuck-off, is more my attitude to Christmas and today hasn't helped. Calendars, cards, cute decorations, decorative bags, candles all wanting a home by 24th December. Hello, it's not even October.

But it's not been a total loss. I've had quite an amusing day working with a guy who is incredibly sweet, and very good looking. He's all of 21 and he's got the hearts of every single teenage/twenty something girl in a twitter. They've been finding excuses to 'drop by' all day, which is ever so sweet. He's a lovely lad, but a bit unaware of it at times. He's just trying to be nice to everyone, and I suspect it's going to back fire on him big time. The girl's claws are out behind the scenes as they vie for pole position. He's not particularly looking for a relationship at the moment and should he settle down with a girl from work, there's bound to be aggro.

It's quite interesting watching this drama unfurl while straightening up plastic-wrapped cards for the umpth time, I wonder if he realises how much of a confuffle he's causing. But to be fair, it's not his fault. He's just a nice guy, with a better than average face and not enough ego to really work it.


  1. There's nowt nicer than a nice lad .... and nowt worse than a Christmas shop in September.

  2. The totty sounds good. It's always fun when someone new starts, especially if they are quite interesting. I hope the girls will be gentle with him.

    As for Christmas! What?!!! Maybe we should do it early this year. Head 'em off at the pass. That'll fox 'em.

  3. kaz ~ precisely.

    hottie ~'s the trouble he inadvertantly causes which is the amusing thing. Bless him.

  4. Anonymous7:05 pm

    oh don't...On sunday I saw a display of advent calendars and mini cholocate reindeer in the suprmarket whilst I was trying to choose which bag of haribo to treat myself to and it was so distracting and distressing - it's not even October yet! - I left without any sweeties...


Hey, how's it going?

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