Monday, December 11, 2006

Welcome to Retail World

It's fluffy, girlie, in other words completely frivolous. But sooo much fun. I'm in Norwich's only independent department store, in the Perfumery section. This was my first day and I have had such a lot of fun. I've been bathing myself in gorgeous scents all day and eyeing up others for subsequent days. The women I work with are gorgeous and glamerous and ever so sweet with it. Next time I work, I'm definitely going to have to put on more make-up. I only managed lipstick this morning in the panic to find my passport. I did find it and I was on time. Just. Standing 8 hours, broken up by climbing 4 flights of stairs to storerooms, restaurants and loos. Boy, do my feet hurt.

Boy is sniffing back the Red Sea, just in time for his Christmas Break. I'm wondering whether I'll have some company tomorrow while I do my dissertation. From a completely selfish view, I do hope he makes it to school because I'm meeting my Super on Wednesday and he will give me a good kicking, if I don't have something like a chapter to show. Wish me luck.


  1. I tried to comment on this last night from my phone, but the visual verification doohicky wouldn't load.

    Why did you need your passport?

    Glad you had great fun, AND some good exercise! ;)
    That'll keep those cheerleading legs in shape ;)

    Hope Boy feels better both for his sake as well as yours :)

    Good luck kicking dissertation butt today! ;)

    Roses, Roses, she'll get it licked!
    Otherwise her Super will be really ticked!

  2. Anonymous9:59 am

    Hey IM ~ There I was thinking you don't like me any more...and it was the technology! grrrrr

    I don't know about keeping my legs in shape, they still hurt!

    Boy is home and looking pretty miserable, so the dissertation will happen very slowly today.

  3. Hey it's hard finding time to comment everywhere atm :)

    Still reading though :)

    You'll have to try harder to get rid of me ;)

  4. How does one "Sniff back the Red Sea" and pray tell what does it entail?

  5. Imagine the Red Sea taking up residence in your sinuses. Imagine your nose is the one outlet for this huge body of water trying to escape....

  6. Oh, I see.

    I was thinking along the lines of Moses.

    Unless that's what Lemsip does?

  7. Anonymous10:10 pm

    Could be, Lemsip as the new Moses. Yeah I can see that working.


Hey, how's it going?

Bank Holiday Sunday

Dear Dave I woke up today with Philip Glass' Metamorphosis in my head. It's apt really as it was part of the music chosen for your...