I've had a shite day at work. So rather than spread doom and gloom, I thought I'd indulge in a meme. At least, I think it's called a meme, I googled it after spotting the term on Gertie's website and I must be thick as shite because I did not understand the definition. Slightly worrying since I'm supposed to be an academic at the moment.
Place an X by all the things you've done, or remove the X from the ones you have not. This is for your entire life!-
Smoked a cigarette X
Drank so much you threw up X
Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back X
Been arrested
Gone on a blind date X
Skipped school X
Seen someone die X
Been to Canada X
Been to Florida (been through Florida airport)
Been to Mexico
Been on a plane X
Been lost X
Been on the opposite side of the country X
Gone to Chicago
Swam in the ocean X
Felt like dying X
Cried yourself to sleep X
Played cops and robbers X
Recently colored with crayons
Sang karaoke X
Paid for a meal with only coins X
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't X
Made prank phone calls X
Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose X
Caught a snowflake on your tongue X
Danced in the rain X
Written a letter to Santa Claus X
Been kissed under the mistletoe X
Watched the sun rise with someone you care about
Blown bubbles X
Made a bonfire on the beach X
Crashed a party
Gone roller skating X
Ice-skating X
Any nicknames? Mouse
Ever steal any traffic signs?
Ever been in a car accident? X
Was it your fault? YES and NO (2 accidents)
2 Doors or 4 Doors? I like hatchbacks 5 doors
Salad dressing?
Favorite pie?
Favorite number? 7
Favorite movie? Chocolat
Favorite holiday? May Day
Favorite dessert? Strawberry Trifle
Favorite food? Prawns
Favorite day of the week? Sunday
Favorite brand of body soap? Dove
Favorite TV show?
Favorite Toothpaste? Colgate Herbal
Favorite smell? Ylang ylang
What do you do to relax? Go on a bus journey
Do you have a message to your friends reading this now? Welcome to the strange life that is mine.
How do you see yourself in 10 years? Older, as broke, no difference really
What do you do when you are bored? I don’t have the opportunity
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Bank Holiday Sunday
Dear Dave I woke up today with Philip Glass' Metamorphosis in my head. It's apt really as it was part of the music chosen for your...
The last time (which was the first time) I held a party. People complained bitterly that I didn't give enough notice. Therefore, conside...
Dear Dave I woke up today with Philip Glass' Metamorphosis in my head. It's apt really as it was part of the music chosen for your...
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Right, I hereby give noticed that I have nicked this for my blog too.
ReplyDeleteHang in there,
Oi! Thief! I'll get the police on to you...oh, you are the police...ummmm...never mind ociffer.
ReplyDeletewell, at least i've learned how to spell A-S-B-O correctly now.
ociffer? You mean, it isn't spelt correctly? Damn ;-P""