Friday, September 01, 2006


Be warned, I am making chilli. Of course, what started out as chilli for 2 has now turned into a mega pot full and because I believe in 'one for the pot - two for me' I am now enjoying the rest of the beer, and boy the chocolate tasted good. Yum!

We've had a good day, boy and I. We managed to get the rest of his sports gear and some new trainers for him, he is now set for high school next week. Unfortunately, he's now grown out of childrens shoes and is now into adults, which is a bit of a bugger on the budget. My mum always taught me never to be stingy with shoes, but with the sales at this time of year, we've saved quite a bit of dosh. Hopefully, the shoes will last him through the next growing spurt.

The really great news is that I rang up an agency today and they've organised an interview for me Monday morning. Please keep your fingers crossed for me. I am really excited because it's with a local rail operator. It's call centre work, which I must admit, I've never done. Considering that most of my employment has focused around customer services in one way or another, it shouldn't be too hard to get to grips with.

Also, if they are groovy employers and open to suggestion, I could actually make it work in my favour. Instead of doing bus journeys, I could do train journeys, and that would mean that I'm not limited to one city. I could end up travelling all round the country! Which would be much more interesting. I would be able to compare counties, cities, regions. It makes an almost perfect fit. My creative, academic and employment life would fit, feeding my personal and professional growth. All I have to do now is convince them that I am their bitch. Wish me luck! Tomorrow, I'm off to M&S to buy my interview undies, I've already planned my outfit. How anal am I?

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