Saturday, August 26, 2006

Good Luck Charms

I have a friend down in the Big Smoke who needs 14 minutes to get ready. That's 14 minutes between opening eyes and leaving front door, and also includes coffee and ablutions. I am insanely jealous. It takes me 14 minutes to work up the courage to open my eyes.

Given that I had an interview this morning, I pulled out all the stops. Now my racial heritage is such that I am, shall we say, hirsute. And that is without the help that age brings. Now I always knew that men when they hit middle age develop nostril and ear hair which is quite foul. I've had to sit in meetings next to men whose glistening nostril hair were rather off putting. Or worse, hair sprouting on the outside of said nose. All I can say is their wives must really hate them, to let them leave the house looking like that. Eewww!

So, anyway, I defoliate myself which is a major undertaking at the best of times. Once that was done and I was washed and dressed I thought about nail polish. I 'oopsed' yesterday with some rah-rah pink polish for all of £1.00, which I have to say looks just fabulous on my toes. When I left the house I was sassy and brassy and ready to impress.

Except the manager was about 5 years older than my boy, was reluctant to even shake my hand and he started to stammer a lot. He said he'd ring me next week once he'd interviewed some other candidates. *sigh*.

So that's a 'no' then?

PS. People have said that they've tried to leave comments on the site but they've never been published. Can you try and leave a testing message so I can check if the technology is working?


Hey, how's it going?

Bank Holiday Sunday

Dear Dave I woke up today with Philip Glass' Metamorphosis in my head. It's apt really as it was part of the music chosen for your...