Monday, August 22, 2011


I should have taken some time off 3 weeks ago. I didn't. I needed to take some time off 3 weeks ago. I started feeling physically bleugh and trying to write copy through the treacle my brain had become, was a task of extreme optimism. But hey, I made it here without too much drama.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am on Staycation! Oh yes, people. Not for me trooping half way across the world to lie on a sandy beach, emptying my bank account, stressing at the airport, killing my skin and liver cells. Nope. I am in the pink, fluffy dressing gown, drinking coffee, looking at the sunshine with a whole heap of nothing to do.

Actually, that's not quite true. I do have somethings I want to do this week. A few things to get back on track. I've got some books to read, some exercises to sweat over, not to mention naps to partake. This staycation isn't about rushing around, this staycation is about recharging batteries. Pottering about, getting things done.

Boy and I are getting rather excited. You will remember that we are big fans of the Elder Scrolls game called Oblivion. Well, Bethesda have finally got it together to release another one in the series, Skyrim. And it looks awesome. Truly, awesome. Unfortunately, we have to wait until November 11th for it's release. To pass the time, we've been revisiting Oblivion. I started on a new character, Boy continued with his Argonian. Somehow, Boy is going to have to do a serious balancing act. His Pretty will want to see him and while she has proven patient with him so far. I suspect she may find us very trying as we lose ourselves in the wonder of the world of the Elder Scrolls. We're just going to have to drag her in. Poor love. Mind you, if we do that, it means we'll have even longer to wait between turns. Damn. Hmm....leave it with me, I need to have a think about that.

I'm not baracading myself in, I am being sociable. I'm just not packing my diary out. I have things which can only be attended to outside of the house. And 103, still does the best frothy coffee in town. But I don't have to move any faster than I want to, and Ladies and Gentlemen, I can move at glacier pace.


  1. "I should have taken some time off 3 weeks ago."

    Just remember, that at the end you'll never say to yourself "Gee, I wish I had spent more time at the office."

  2. Jealous of your staycation Roses!! Did I ever mention that I became a millionaire on Animal Crossing during my sick leave? Turns out all I needed was a good month uninterrupted play time.

  3. Why has it taken me so long to figure you have TWO blogs????
    Tsk. I shall be having a wee catch up later.

  4. lx ~ ain't that the truth.

    macy ~ hail fellow gamer! It's a great way to avoid reality, kicking arse in an alien landscape. At least, I find so.

    And I tend to keep the other blog quiet, given that's where I do all my soul searching, navel gazing and whinging.

  5. We've had nothing but staycations for donkeys years...and are none the worse for it...enjoy your break...

  6. Try placing colourful cocktail umbrellas in your beverages to give you that beach vacation feeling.

  7. cogidubnus ~ it's be great. Much needed.

    mj ~ good idea. I'll do it next time.

  8. mago ~ what's with the '?' What don't you get?


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