Thanks for braving the foul weather we're having. Boy will take your coat upstairs, come in make yourself comfortable. Have a drink. Have several more. There are munchies on the table. I suggest you get stuck into the mince pies and cheese straws before Dave, XL and Cogidubnus start fighting for pole position underneath. Also, Savannah and Beth will need a space to dance later.

It's good to see you. I hope you have a great time tonight. If you do end up sleeping in the bath. There's a lovely cafe up the road, I promise I'll wake you, hose you down and we'll go have breakfast.

I'm having flashbacks to the 1960s with that first pix! [dives under table]
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas to you!
PHEW! Sorry hun! My head has been burried in Uni work and Yule knitting but I'm all done and all yours. You may want to put this in the fridge for later - I know how you love red velvet and I brought a little something with me. I'm sure you'll find a use for it ;)
Happy Solstice my love xx
xl ~ Firsties to you, both on here and under the table! What food/drink would you like me to pass you?
ReplyDeletehottie ~ no worries lovely. Thanks very much for the bottle. And thank you, thank you, thank you for Bobby.
*fans herself briskly*
Where do you want me to put the quiche?
ReplyDelete*Grapples Dave to the floor under the mistletoe*
*Doesn't struggle too hard*
ReplyDeletedave ~ I'll whisk it away before it gets crushed.
ReplyDeletescarlet ~ for Heaven's sake be gentle with him, he's not a well man.
dave ~ no you wouldn't want to do yourself a mischief.
Heard the fun halfway down the road, you sure know how to throw a party! Where do you want the Sambuca?
ReplyDeletecurious ~ we've not even got started yet! You can put the Sambuca as far away from me as you can manage. If you set fire to it, please do it outside.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure it's a good idea to have a naked flame anywhere near XL's outfit.
what a delightful blessing, sugar, and even better party! here's to all y'all on this grand winter solstice day! xoxoxoxoxo
ReplyDeletesavannah ~ welcome my darling. So glad you could come. Please give it awhile before you start dancing on the table, have a sausage roll, have some mulled wine.
ReplyDeleteHello Roses, I am so sorry about Oz's over zealous greeting of your cat. I'm sure it will be down off the top of the Christmas tree shortly. We've brought some goat's cheese nibbles which are delicious and some red wine. There is also some Bakers Complete Sh**e, but that may have limited appeal.
ReplyDeletemrs rine ~ hello my lovely. It's fine, the Cat will calm down eventually and Oz is very enthusiastic...about everything. Lily is sooo patient.
ReplyDeleteI'll put the goats cheese nibbles on the table, along with the Bakers Complete Sh**e and see who gets drunk enough to eat them.
Guten Abend ... the door was open, so I simply slipped in. WHo's that person with them firestarters outside? I brought a bottle of Franconian wine, a nice Silvaner ... you look very nice my dear.
ReplyDeleteHai XL, all well down under? That was cheap I know.
Where's MJ, I thought I had heared the staccato of her heels, hello savannah - is that Southern Comfort? And what is that music like .. like, yea ...
No flashbacks to the sixties here - because (a) you've got no Red Barrel (what good taste) and (b) There are no Party Fours or Party Sevens in the second photo...
ReplyDeleteNonetheless what a party...Even the cat's enjoying a diet of Cherry Brandy!
Goodness that Hottie's well named!
But who are the bunch of loud and aggressive p***heads just passing the house shouting at the top of their voices? Oh...sorry Dave, didn't realise they came from the local seminary...hmmm
Tiring now (can't party on like I used to)...
Just nudging that xl bloke aside and making myself at home...oh hell...Why's the foot of my sleeping bag so bloody wet? Oh... sorry... wretched cat!
Seminary? Katholische Klosterschule maybe ... Seems that I'm the last man standing round here... yeahyeah this song from Dido and all that "I'll survive" and Earth Kitt, and this ABBA special from eleven to twelve ... mind if I sit here quietly and have my wine, found some old lps over there, like Dupree, knew that you had some Zevon somewhere ... HA - Chappo ... let's skip Stella Maris please, an old doors number, pretty long. And a single you have too, nice one, sorry too loud now, nah that stomping is just me dancing ...
ReplyDeletei've got my second wind1 let's dance! xoxoxxo
ReplyDeleteRIGHT on ... Shake Baby Shake ...
ReplyDeleteSorry about that, I must have nodded off. I'm such a lightweight these days. Good job Oz and Lily and the Cat don't mind my snoring.
ReplyDeleteGood grief, Mago. You're still going strong. Where do you get your energy from?
I'm going to make some strong coffee...anyone else want a cup?
Yes please... and a fag.
ms scarlet ~ I'll get you a cup. Which fag do you want, we've got several lying around?
ReplyDeleteBugger....have i missed the flaming Sambuca
ReplyDeleteExcellent party Roses. Who would have thought Dave and Rog would have done such a good rendition of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody? And fancy the Bakers Complete Sh**te being such a popular nibble! Wasn't it lovely to see Cat snuggled up with Lily and Oz, ok they did have Cat in a strangle hold, but I think they meant it in a friendly way. Thanks for inviting us!
ReplyDeleteOw my bl**dy head still hurts...
ReplyDeleteDamn it! Late again!
ReplyDeleteI sense a pattern emerging here...
*wanders off to arm oneself with black binliners & multi-purpose cleaner*
Great first pic though :o)
I have stolen it & may use it as my computer background.
I can remember notghing of the events of the last 48 hours. I assume that means it was a good party.
ReplyDeletesarah ~ you missed my gagging noises. Curious has a lot to answer for.
ReplyDeletemrs rhine ~ I'll never be able to listen to the classic version again. Just goes to show men never truly grow up. I must check my teeth, I remember biting into something crunchy, think I've chipped my tooth.
cogidubnus ~ have some orange juice and a couple of paracetemol. Should help.
g*n*d ~ honey, you're such a star! But if you can identify this stain here, you'll also be a scientist and a scholar. I was here and I have no idea.
OKAY you lot. Who spiked Dave's drink?! I told you he's teetotal. For a bloody good reason, I might add.
For those of you who stayed to clear up, I'll get some nibbles on and I've been wanting to try that recipe for mulled cider.
Blimey, some of these drinks have left curious stains on the glasses. I'm having to scrubb really hard to get them all cleam. Pass me some more washing-up liquid will you?
ReplyDeletedave ~ here's the Fairy Liquid. Do you want some marigolds if you're going to be washing up for long?
ReplyDeleteIt's OK, I brought my own. Always prepaired, I am.
ReplyDeletedave ~ you're such a good boy scout.
ReplyDeleteYou should see my woggle.
ReplyDeletedave ~ I'd rather not. We don't have THAT kind of friendship.
ReplyDeleteYour loss.
ReplyDeletedave ~ isn't it always?
ReplyDeleteI actually totally missed the party didn't I?
ReplyDeleteI've been rubbish lately but I'm glad everyone else had a good time xx
Sorry I missed your party. My office party went on longer than I thought. Just like yours it involved someone singing Bohemian Rhapsody.
ReplyDeleteHope you had a great Winter Solstice.
beth ~ *sniff*
ReplyDeletesanddancer ~ what is it about that song, that everyone feels the need to murder it?