Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Meme and Only Meme

Level 1
(x ) Smoked a cigarette.
(x ) Smoked a cigar.
(x) Kissed a member of the same sex.
(x) Drank alcohol.

Level 2
(x) Are/been in love.
(x) Been dumped.
() Shoplifted.
() Been fired.
() Been in a fist fight.

Level 3
(x) Had a crush on an older person.
() Skipped school.
() Slept with a classmate.
(x) Seen someone/something die.

Level 4
() Had/have a crush on one of your friends who is now on Facebook.
(x) Been to Paris.
() Been to Spain.
(x) Been on a plane.
(x) Thrown up from drinking.

Level 5
(x) Eaten sushi.
() Been snowboarding.
() Met someone BECAUSE of Facebook.
() Been in a mosh pit.

Level 6
(x) Been in an abusive relationship.
(x) Taken pain killers.
(x) Love/loved someone who you can't have.
(x) Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by.
() Made a snow angel.

Level 7
(x) Had a tea party.
(x) Flown a kite.
(x) Built a sand castle.
() Gone mudding (offroading).
(x) Played dress up.

Level 8
() Jumped into a pile of leaves.
() Gone sledging.
() Cheated while playing a game.
(x) Been lonely.
() Fallen asleep at work/school.

Level 9
(x) Watched the sun set.
(x) Felt an earthquake.
() Killed a snake.

Level 10
(x) Been tickled.
() Been robbed/vandalized.
(x) Been cheated on.
(x) Been misunderstood.

Level 11
() Won a contest.
() Been suspended from school.
(x)Had detention.
(x) Been in a car/motorcycle accident.

Level 12
(x) Had/have braces.
() Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night.
(x) Danced in the moonlight.

Level 13
(x) Hated the way you look.
() Witnessed a crime.
() Pole danced.
(x) Questioned your heart.
(x) Been obsessed with post-it-notes.

Level 14
(x) Squished barefoot through the mud.
(x) Been lost.
(x) Been to the opposite side of the world.
(x) Swam in the ocean.
(x) Felt like you were dying.

Level 15
(x) Cried yourself to sleep.
(x) Played cops and robbers.
() Recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers.
() Sang karaoke.
(x) Paid for a meal with only coins.

Level 16
(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't.
(x) Made prank phone calls.
(x) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose.
() Kissed in the rain.

Level 17
(x) Written a letter to Santa Claus.
() Watched the sun set/sun rise with someone you care/cared about.
(x) Blown bubbles.
(x) Made a bonfire on the beach or anywhere.

Level 18
() Crashed A Party.
() Have travelled more than 5 days with a car full of people.
(x) Gone rollerskating/blading.
(x) Had a wish come true.
(x) Slept with a member of the same sex.

Level 19
() Worn pearls.
() Jumped off a bridge.
(x) Screamed "penis" or "vagina".
() Swam with dolphins.

Level 20
(x) Got your tongue stuck to a pole/freezer/ice cube.
() Kissed a fish.
(x) Worn the opposite sex's clothes.
() Sat on a roof top.

Level 21
(x) Screamed at the top of your lungs.
() Done/attempted a one-handed cartwheel.
() Talked on the phone for more than six hours (in one day).
(x) Recently stayed up for a while talking to someone you care about.

Level 22
(x) Picked and ate an apple right off the tree.
(x) Climbed a tree.
(x) Had/been in a tree house.
(x) Been scared to watch scary movies alone.

Level 23
(x) Believed in ghosts.
(x) Have had more than thirty pairs of shoes (not necessarily all at once).
(x) Gone streaking.
(x) Visited jail.

Level 24
() Played chicken.
() Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on.
() Been told you're hot by a complete stranger.
() Broken a bone.
(x) Been easily amused.

Level 25
(x) Caught a fish then ate it later.
() Made a porn video.
(x) Caught A Butterfly.
(x) Laughed so hard you cried.
() Cried so hard you laughed.

Level 26
() Mooned/flashed someone.
() Had someone moon/flash you.
() Cheated on a test.
(x) Forgotten someone's name.
() French braided someone’s hair.
(x) Gone skinny dipping.
() Been kicked out of your house.
() Tried to hurt yourself.

Level 27
(x) Rode a roller coaster.
() Went scuba-diving/snorkelling.
(x) Had a cavity.
() Black-mailed someone.
() Been black mailed.

Level 28
(x) Been used.
(x) Fell going up the stairs.
() Licked a cat.
(x) Bitten someone.
(x) Licked someone - not in private places...

Level 29
() Been shot at/or at gunpoint.
() Had sex in the rain.
() Flattened someone’s tires.
(x) Rode your car/truck until the gas light came on.
() Got five dollars or less worth of gas.


I'm sure I've answered some of these questions before...but it was fun...now it's your turn.


  1. So - you've been to the other side of the world - but not to Spain.
    I'll give you a shout next time I'm going.

  2. Anonymous7:21 pm

    I will pilfer this forthwith...but for the record I'm a bit disappointed to discover you haven't licked a cat or kissed a fish...

  3. Level 1
    (x) Smoked a cigarette.
    (x) Smoked a cigar.
    (x) Kissed a member of the same sex.
    (x) Drank alcohol.

    Level 2
    (x) Are/been in love.
    (x) Been dumped.
    (x) Shoplifted.
    () Been fired.
    (x) Been in a fist fight.

    Level 3
    (x) Had a crush on an older person.
    (x) Skipped school.
    () Slept with a classmate.
    (x) Seen someone/something die.

    Level 4
    () Had/have a crush on one of your friends who is now on Facebook.
    () Been to Paris.
    () Been to Spain.
    () Been on a plane.
    (x) Thrown up from drinking.

    Level 5
    () Eaten sushi.
    () Been snowboarding.
    () Met someone BECAUSE of Facebook.
    () Been in a mosh pit.

    Level 6
    () Been in an abusive relationship.
    (x) Taken pain killers.
    (x) Love/loved someone who you can't have.
    (x) Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by.
    () Made a snow angel.

    Level 7
    (x) Had a tea party.
    (x) Flown a kite.
    (x) Built a sand castle.
    () Gone mudding (offroading).
    (x) Played dress up.

    Level 8
    (x) Jumped into a pile of leaves.
    (x) Gone sledging.
    () Cheated while playing a game.
    (x) Been lonely.
    (x) Fallen asleep at work/school.

    Level 9
    (x) Watched the sun set.
    () Felt an earthquake.
    () Killed a snake.

    Level 10
    (x) Been tickled.
    (x) Been robbed/vandalized.
    (x) Been cheated on.
    (x) Been misunderstood.

    Level 11
    (x) Won a contest.
    () Been suspended from school.
    (x)Had detention.
    () Been in a car/motorcycle accident.

    Level 12
    () Had/have braces.
    (x) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night.
    (x) Danced in the moonlight.

    Level 13
    () Hated the way you look.
    (x) Witnessed a crime.
    () Pole danced.
    (x) Questioned your heart.
    () Been obsessed with post-it-notes.

    Level 14
    () Squished barefoot through the mud.
    (x) Been lost.
    () Been to the opposite side of the world.
    () Swam in the ocean.
    (x) Felt like you were dying.

    Level 15
    (x) Cried yourself to sleep.
    (x) Played cops and robbers.
    () Recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers.
    () Sang karaoke.
    () Paid for a meal with only coins.

    Level 16
    (x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't.
    (x) Made prank phone calls.
    (x) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose.
    (x) Kissed in the rain.

    Level 17
    () Written a letter to Santa Claus.
    (x) Watched the sun set/sun rise with someone you care/cared about.
    (x) Blown bubbles.
    (x) Made a bonfire on the beach or anywhere.

    Level 18
    (x) Crashed A Party.
    (x) Have travelled more than 5 days with a car full of people.
    (x) Gone rollerskating/blading.
    (x) Had a wish come true.
    () Slept with a member of the same sex.

    Level 19
    () Worn pearls.
    () Jumped off a bridge.
    () Screamed "penis" or "vagina".
    () Swam with dolphins.

    Level 20
    () Got your tongue stuck to a pole/freezer/ice cube.
    () Kissed a fish.
    (x) Worn the opposite sex's clothes.
    (x) Sat on a roof top.

    Level 21
    (x) Screamed at the top of your lungs.
    (x) Done/attempted a one-handed cartwheel.
    (x) Talked on the phone for more than six hours (in one day).
    (x) Recently stayed up for a while talking to someone you care about.

    Level 22
    (x) Picked and ate an apple right off the tree.
    (x) Climbed a tree.
    (x) Had/been in a tree house.
    () Been scared to watch scary movies alone.

    Level 23
    (x) Believed in ghosts.
    () Have had more than thirty pairs of shoes (not necessarily all at once).
    () Gone streaking.
    () Visited jail.

    Level 24
    () Played chicken.
    () Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on.
    () Been told you're hot by a complete stranger.
    () Broken a bone.
    (x) Been easily amused.

    Level 25
    (x) Caught a fish then ate it later.
    () Made a porn video.
    (x) Caught A Butterfly.
    (x) Laughed so hard you cried.
    () Cried so hard you laughed.

    Level 26
    () Mooned/flashed someone.
    () Had someone moon/flash you.
    () Cheated on a test.
    (x) Forgotten someone's name.
    () French braided someone’s hair.
    () Gone skinny dipping.
    (x) Been kicked out of your house.
    () Tried to hurt yourself.

    Level 27
    (x) Rode a roller coaster.
    () Went scuba-diving/snorkelling.
    (x) Had a cavity.
    () Black-mailed someone.
    () Been black mailed.

    Level 28
    (x) Been used.
    (x) Fell going up the stairs.
    () Licked a cat.
    (x) Bitten someone.
    (x) Licked someone - not in private places...

    Level 29
    () Been shot at/or at gunpoint.
    (x) Had sex in the rain.
    (x) Flattened someone’s tires.
    () Rode your car/truck until the gas light came on.
    () Got five dollars or less worth of gas.

  4. Level 1
    (x) Smoked a cigarette.
    (x) Smoked a cigar.
    (x) Kissed a member of the same sex.
    (x) Drank alcohol.

    Level 2
    (x) Are/been in love.
    (x) Been dumped.
    () Shoplifted.
    () Been fired.
    (x) Been in a fist fight.

    Level 3
    (x) Had a crush on an older person.
    () Skipped school.
    () Slept with a classmate.
    (x) Seen someone/something die.

    Level 4
    () Had/have a crush on one of your friends who is now on Facebook.
    (x) Been to Paris.
    () Been to Spain.
    (x) Been on a plane.
    (x) Thrown up from drinking.

    Level 5
    () Eaten sushi.
    () Been snowboarding.
    () Met someone BECAUSE of Facebook.
    () Been in a mosh pit.

    Level 6
    (x) Been in an abusive relationship.
    (x) Taken pain killers.
    (x) Love/loved someone who you can't have.
    (x) Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by.
    (x) Made a snow angel.

    Level 7
    (x) Had a tea party.
    (x) Flown a kite.
    (x) Built a sand castle.
    (x) Gone mudding (offroading).
    (x) Played dress up.

    Level 8
    (x) Jumped into a pile of leaves.
    (x) Gone sledging.
    (x) Cheated while playing a game.
    (x) Been lonely.
    (x) Fallen asleep at work/school.

    Level 9
    (x) Watched the sun set.
    () Felt an earthquake.
    () Killed a snake.

    Level 10
    (x) Been tickled.
    (x) Been robbed/vandalized.
    (x) Been cheated on.
    (x) Been misunderstood.

    Level 11
    (x) Won a contest.
    () Been suspended from school.
    ()Had detention.
    (x) Been in a car/motorcycle accident.

    Level 12
    () Had/have braces.
    () Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night.
    () Danced in the moonlight.

    Level 13
    (x) Hated the way you look.
    () Witnessed a crime.
    (x) Pole danced.
    (x) Questioned your heart.
    () Been obsessed with post-it-notes.

    Level 14
    (x) Squished barefoot through the mud.
    (x) Been lost.
    () Been to the opposite side of the world.
    (x) Swam in the ocean.
    (x) Felt like you were dying.

    Level 15
    (x) Cried yourself to sleep.
    () Played cops and robbers.
    () Recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers.
    (x) Sang karaoke.
    (x) Paid for a meal with only coins.

    Level 16
    (x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't.
    (x) Made prank phone calls.
    () Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose.
    (x) Kissed in the rain.

    Level 17
    () Written a letter to Santa Claus.
    (x) Watched the sun set/sun rise with someone you care/cared about.
    (x) Blown bubbles.
    () Made a bonfire on the beach or anywhere.

    Level 18
    (x) Crashed A Party.
    () Have travelled more than 5 days with a car full of people.
    (x) Gone rollerskating/blading.
    () Had a wish come true.
    (x) Slept with a member of the same sex.

    Level 19
    () Worn pearls.
    () Jumped off a bridge.
    (x) Screamed "penis" or "vagina".
    () Swam with dolphins.

    Level 20
    (x) Got your tongue stuck to a pole/freezer/ice cube.
    () Kissed a fish.
    (x) Worn the opposite sex's clothes.
    () Sat on a roof top.

    Level 21
    (x) Screamed at the top of your lungs.
    (x) Done/attempted a one-handed cartwheel.
    (x) Talked on the phone for more than six hours (in one day).
    (x) Recently stayed up for a while talking to someone you care about.

    Level 22
    (x) Picked and ate an apple right off the tree.
    (x) Climbed a tree.
    (x) Had/been in a tree house.
    (x) Been scared to watch scary movies alone.

    Level 23
    (x) Believed in ghosts.
    (x) Have had more than thirty pairs of shoes (not necessarily all at once).
    (x) Gone streaking.
    (x) Visited jail.

    Level 24
    (x) Played chicken.
    (x) Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on.
    (x) Been told you're hot by a complete stranger.
    (x) Broken a bone.
    (x) Been easily amused.

    Level 25
    (x) Caught a fish then ate it later.
    (x) Made a porn video.
    (x) Caught A Butterfly.
    (x) Laughed so hard you cried.
    (x) Cried so hard you laughed.

    Level 26
    (x) Mooned/flashed someone.
    (x) Had someone moon/flash you.
    () Cheated on a test.
    (x) Forgotten someone's name.
    (x) French braided someone’s hair.
    (x) Gone skinny dipping.
    (x) Been kicked out of your house.
    (x) Tried to hurt yourself.

    Level 27
    (x) Rode a roller coaster.
    (x) Went scuba-diving/snorkelling.
    (x) Had a cavity.
    () Black-mailed someone.
    (x) Been black mailed.

    Level 28
    (x) Been used.
    (x) Fell going up the stairs.
    () Licked a cat.
    () Bitten someone.
    () Licked someone - not in private places...lol

    Level 29
    () Been shot at/or at gunpoint.
    (x) Had sex in the rain.
    () Flattened someone’s tires.
    (x) Rode your car/truck until the gas light came on.
    () Got five dollars or less worth of gas.

  5. Bugger me, (not an invitation, I stress), I think I've fallen for the brown eyed girl, and this despite my marital status and our divergent preferences...what a truly amazing character...

    Simply stunning...

  6. kaz ~ Let me know when you're leaving, and I'll be there with my overnight case and my weight in red wine.

    NM ~ pilfer away, I look forward to what you put.

    cogidubnus ~ how could you not be obsessed with post it notes? *same to B*E*G* weirdos. Post it notes rock!

    B*E*G ~ teach me how to pole dance, and I'll take you to dinner in a Japanese restaurant. On second thoughts, lets do lots of salsa before I take on the pole dancing, you might be fit (in more ways than one) but I certainly am not. No way I can swing round a pole and not end up on my arse.

  7. Roses~ Id love to teach you to pole dance..pleaseeee
    Salsa will warm you up then we can teach you to swing round that pole with confidence..its great fun and you wouldnt fall, you can already wiggle so i bet you would be great!
    Id love to try japanese food, ive never tried it.
    cogidubnus ~ you did make me giggle thank you. x

    You all cheer up my day so much


Hey, how's it going?

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