Friday, December 28, 2007


This has been a lean Christmas for us. I've been grateful for the generosity of people around me and although I've been flat broke, we've managed to have a lovely time. The sofa still bears the indent of my prone body, the biscuit box looks emptier by the day and while I'm still in shape, it must be borne in mind that round is a shape. Boy has now gone off to spend some time with his dad, leaving me, the cat and the biscuits.

It has given me some time for contemplation and a touch of righteousness. I was absolutely horrified at press reports of the Boxing Day sale rush, that started by all accounts at midnight on-line. Apparently, there were queues outside of Next waiting for the doors to open at 4am.

If you were standing in that queue, I'd really like your feedback on this question. What exactly was so lacking in your life that you had to be there at 4am Boxing Day? What was so important that you had to leave your bed, your home to go stand in the cold and damp for?

Don't get me wrong, I love a bargain as much as the next person, but even when I had money to burn, I can't think what I would have needed that much. I am genuinely curious. I'd love to find out what people bought in the Sales.


  1. Im with you on this one Roses it puzzles me why people love to buy things they dont need just because they are going
    I have this vision of women fighting to get to the counters laden with everything under a pound and all the husbands encouraging them to go, just so they can nip down the pub in peace :) hehe
    im so glad you enjoyed your time off hun you deserved it.

  2. I too am with you...not just on the sales but also being skint!

  3. More victims of the delusion that the winter festival is somehow not linked to yet another marketting related extravaganza. It will be time for them to get the easter eggs out of the warehouse and onto the shelves, as soon as they've made some space by getting rid of all the chocolate to replace it with more chocolate.

  4. I thought it sounded completely barmy when I saw it on the news, is it an English thing or are people that obsessed in other countries?

    Having said that, I need to get my sister-in-law a birthday present so will venture up to Oxford Street eventually, although the very thought is making me feel tired. And skint.

  5. B*E*G ~ thanks for the company. I spoke to the security guard for NEXT who came to visit us and he said that there were people queuing since 1.30 AM! And there were fights in the gueue.

    cogidubnus ~ well, at least it's not just me.

    W*E*B ~ my manager said to me today, not entirely joking 'soon it'll be time to put the Easter eggs out' *sigh*

    claire ~ I know it's not like this in Trinidad, I have no idea about anywhere else in the world. Good luck with Oxford Street honey.

    Any visitors lurking from overseas? Your input would be appreciated.

  6. Not seen you around for a while. Just thought I'd pop my head 'round the door and say hi :)

    I like a bargain, but I like being in bed more. And I don't like the whole crowded shop thing, so sales are not really my cup of tea.

  7. Mr Man's Wife ~ hi there honey, lovely to see you. You and me both: bed and crowds, no competition, bed wins every time.

  8. I always thought Next paid them money to queue because they needed the publicity.

  9. kaz ~ someone would have to pay me a heck of a lot of money to queue for 'bargains' from 1.30 am.

    Any offers?

  10. Anonymous11:28 pm

    Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

  11. Suprisingly enough, that's not quite what I meant.

  12. It is indeed madness and I would never queue, scamble or fight for so-called sale bargain. However, I did buy a dress in a sale that I had wanted at full price but decided to wait in case it was reduced, so I was pleased with that.


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