Friday, August 03, 2007

Been Awhile

Apologies for the long silence. I've been oop North with the Viking and his family and there was much running about upon my return. Unfortunately, due to his generous nature, I've now got a cold, so all running aroung has now stopped as I indulge in feeling bleugh.

The good thing is that I've had a chance to read and review a book. I've popped my thoughts on the subject on my sister site. It's the first time I've done a book review and I'd appreciate the feedback. Also, if you've read something recently, brilliant or dire, feel free to do the same.

Boy has come back from his dad's early. His grandad did some serious injury to his tendon, so much so that he's needed an op. Boy was just on the phone to him, and he's on the mend. Or will be as long as he keeps off the leg.

One of the things I'm discovering about my Boy, is that he has patience. Obvioulsy, he's needed this virtue when dealing with me and my dramas. Over the Spring, both he and my Viking have been bonding over Transformers. They've been eagerly downloading, watching trailers, going ooo and aaahhh and debating over plot, character etc. They bought tickets to go and see the preview showing for the day after Alix's wedding. Please note, they didn't buy me one, but graciously said that I could come along if I wanted and was quiet.

Unfortunately, both Boy and I had forgotten that the ExH was picking him up stupid o'clock Sunday morning to take him to the Holkham Game Fair. Obviously time with the ExH is sacrosanct and he had to go. Apparently that's when his grandad wrecked his leg trying to push a car out of the mud. Boy said the fair wasn't up to much being soggy, expensive and same old mix of country clothing stalls, displays and food sold from caravans. When he came back, the movie was not playing yet and he had to wait a week before general release. I did go see it with Viking and I'm under the threat of pain of death to reveal nothing. We arranged to try again at an early showing Friday morning. As we were just about to leave the house ExH rings and asks to come over. Grandad has been admitted to A&E for his leg, can he come over and wait at ours: which meant no Transformers.

Boy turned up unexpectedly on Wednesday and unfortunately, I've come down with a nasty bug thing and quite frankly, if I'm not well enough to go to work, I'm not well enough for movies. Not to mention that I'd be terrified at being seen. Norwich is a small place. So depending on how I feel I'll take him to see Transformers on Sunday morning.

If he hasn't self-immolated by then.


  1. Anonymous12:48 pm

    Not to mention lammas supper.


  2. Awhhhhhh, I'm not sure which one of you to feel sorriest for.

    Hoping everything picks up for both of you :)

  3. Boy ~ Lammas supper was good, wasn't it?

    IM ~ feel sorriest for boy. I'm feeling sorry enough for myself, though any contribution would be appreciated.

  4. Anonymous7:18 pm

    Hugs for both of you! :o( & equal sympathies, lol.

    Hope boy gets to see his film & hope you feel better soon roses :o)
    There does seem to be a fluey type thing going around at the moment, it's been bugging me (literally!) for a few weeks now.

  5. G*N*D ~ yuck, so you've had to cope with floods as well as flu bugs. Much sympathy sweetie.

    We're going to see Transformers tomorrow morning even if it kills me. I'll live I expect. In the meantime Boy has had his revenge by getting me hooked on Oblivion. Which is an even worse time theif than Pacman, and that's saying something.


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