Tuesday, June 26, 2007

It's My Party...

...and I'll throw a tantrum if I want to. The degree show is tomorrow. The Creative Practice tutor called a meeting at 3.30 today and my good mood dissapated like a cloud being hit by the sun. Up until then I was fine. Mellow even.

My Viking turned up this afternoon bearing gifts. Don't mind me, but I am going to bask. He bought me a congratualtory card, olives and JT! Okay, the CD. My Viking so rocks! We cuddled, caught up on the gossip and headed into town for lunch and a bit of retail therapy. He went to have a haircut, I went off to the meeting before the cinema.

We've still got a day's worth of work to do. One person isn't coming, at all. Another, who knows? Of the six exhibiting tomorrow, there were three of us. There's also the important stuff to do, essential for any party...buy the drinkies and munchies. Plus I am determined to be glam.

I've got two blogging guests stopping with me tomorrow night, so it's going to get cosy round here. Yay! Really looking forward to meeting Monkfish and seeing Hottie again. So, that's four people who are definitely going to be there (including Viking and Boy). I've got leave to buy 12 bottles of wine, so if no bugger else turns up I suspect I'm going to be a bit fragile travelling to Dublin in the early hours on Thursday.


  1. Anonymous10:51 pm

    Aw, shucks, hon...


  2. Anonymous12:08 am

    Enjoy the wine and bugger the fragility - wish I lived nearer - I'd at least polish off the olives! Enjoy!

  3. viking ~ :-)

    cogidubnus ~ well, it would have been a bit of a squeeze here, but there's a travel lodge in town. Mind you, you'd have propped up the bar with my Course Leader who's a scotsman and is partial to a tott of mother's milk (as my mum used to say). As for the olives...yeah, alright, I would have shared. Just this once.

    I must admit, I am sorry Jimmy and Dave live so far away, it would have been cool to see what they thought of artwork based on a bus.

  4. Anonymous2:52 pm

    Have a super time Roses, i hope all goes well and you have the best time :o)

  5. Anonymous6:36 pm

    hope all goes well and enjoy!

    If I lived nearer I'd help you polish off the wine!

  6. Anonymous9:23 pm

    Loved the show, the poem on the stairs was fantastic. Hope you had a great sozzly evening. I am feeling well cultured now. kisses Sam x

  7. Anonymous10:53 pm

    I wish the show had been next week so I could have seen it! Ah well, I'll see you Tuesday evening for chat and wine and chat and wine and possibly some kind of wine.

  8. Anonymous8:23 pm

    You've been tagged by me, sorry about that! Can't do the link so just cut & copy the 'more randomeness' post. If you want to of course :o)


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