Saturday, March 17, 2007

Shaggy Blog Stories

Check out the book! Better yet buy it. The red nose does give it away a bit, but it's for Comic Relief. What I quite like about it, is that I read some of the blogs in there. Oh yes, I am indeed a lovey, I am connected with high flying media types and writers. Yeah right. Anyway, buy the book.

Anyway, for those who give a shit (of which I am no longer one), my dissertation currently stands at...3,265 words. If I have any hope in getting in on Friday I have to get the first draft done by Monday. Which means that I have to write 4,000 words tomorrow.

Yeah. Right.


  1. I had followed your linkage to that the other day, and meant to look at it again... but... sort of forgot a bit :)

  2. Anonymous10:51 pm

    "GO ROSIE, GO ROSIE" woot woot!

  3. She appears to be wooting.

    I didn't place her as a wooter.

    Did you place her as a wooter?

    I'm surprised she's a wooter.

    I think she's a phantom wooter.

    A wantom phooter sounds interesting too though.

    Has anyone seen my marbles?

  4. I was just thinking which one of those characters on the front of the book you most resemble, when typing your blog...

  5. Monkfish - have you looked for your marbles down the back of the couch? You might find them there along with a couple of pound coins and some fuzzy mints.

    dianne - in this respect, I am with Monkfish - I'm a little bit disconcerted by your wooting, although not in an unpleasant way.

    ing - at the moment, I'm the figure at the bottom that's sitting there charred beyond recognition.

  6. PS. Word count stands at 4,991!

    Chapter 3 and Conclusion pending.


Hey, how's it going?

Bank Holiday Sunday

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