Monday, January 22, 2007

Odd Stuff

Something odd happened to me over the weekend. It was really strange and I have to say, it's never occurred to me that it could happen. I was completely nonplussed.

I couldn't write my blog. I spent most of Saturday adding labels to all my posts, in response to tax form which needs to be handed in before I fly out. I started two posts, and left them. I was completely floored by this. Like I said, it's never happened to me before. Normally, I've got at least 4 ideas for posts and when I sit down it's a a feat of self-control that I don't blog everything. Not over the weekend. I sat in front of the screen and watched the little cursor blink. Which it did for absolutely ages. In the end I got up and did something else. I read a book. Bothered Boy. Thought about writing my To Do List.

I trawled through everybody else's blogs. I trawled through BBC Online and the Guardian. I found this article about a duck, which made me smile. The bizarre behaviour of people, or should I say, the odd quality of mercy. I'll let you read it and decide.

So I must apologise if this post is not up to scratch, but I wanted to write something. And in case I forget to say Happy Monday!


  1. Anonymous1:30 am

    Don't are well up to scratch...

    As a duck owner I am pleased and delighted that the duck appears to be making a full recovery - I'd love to have seen her face when madam opened the fridge and the duck raised it's head!

  2. Anonymous7:31 am


    The thing is, this guy is a hunter. He shot said duck. To eat. Then his missus finds duck still alive and then takes it to a vet. I still can't work out whether that's mercy or stupidity. But I'm still glad the duck is going to be okay.

  3. Anonymous1:34 am

    Is it Thursday you fly out? I hesitate to say "hope all goes well" but I'm sure you know what I mean...come back to us safe hon


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