Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Touching Base

I am still alive! Not only that, my butt is un-kicked! My meeting with my Super went really well. In a matter of minutes he identified why and where I was getting stuck. I'd been going about things arse about face. He's basically told me to start with my text The Motorcycle Diaries and build my conceptual framework around it, rather than do it the other way round.

I must admit, had it not been for my Super, I'd have come home and stuck my head in the oven [fat lot of good that would do me - it's electric]. I had a prose tutorial and the work I did yesterday got shredded. Which was bad enough, except my work at the beginning of term was also shredded and I'm running out of resilience. I am usually okay about having my work critiqued, but this term, my writing has been rubbish and whatever I try, it's still mediocre. Sigh.

At least I'm able to say that I'm catching up with my workload. I now have 5 poems (drafts), my Creative Practice is going really well, I have an idea to work with for prose. So things are looking up. Really. It just doesn't feel like it at the moment.


  1. Aww, sounds like you are going through one of those creative lulls. Good that you're doing the work though, you can always tweek it later if you get a flash of inspiration though can't you?

  2. Anonymous7:40 pm

    It's not so much a lull as a dead calm.

    Only if I tweak it with a flamethrower. I wouldn't mind if it was foul, but he said it read like chick-lit. That is only a step above Mills and Boon - if he'd said that I would have bought a gas over for sure.

  3. What exactly is a "prose" ? I have heard the term before, and can roughly guess, but thought I'd ask :)

    Glad you've figured out how attack at least one thing though :)

    How much time is there between "beginning of term" and now? How much more work hasn't been shredded in that time?
    You vill tell us vat ve vant to know! ;)

    Perhaps you've watched too much RvB recently ;)

  4. Anonymous8:20 pm

    Prose is used to cover fiction and non-fiction, including the length and breadth of genre. In other words, anything that isn't poetry. But there is a poetic form called prose poetry.

    The start of term was the 2nd of October, the end 5th December. Unfortunately, these were the only times I submitted work for shredding.

    I'm not going to blame RvB for my lack of progress. My writing is just shite at the moment.


  5. oh hon, I am so sorry its going so tough. I must buy you coffee and we must gossip. it will help, just a little.

  6. Well... I like reading your blog, if it's any help :)

  7. Good stuff! Sounds like you're turning a corner then.

    I only have one worry about you, and that's that you just used a 'business-ism' ('touching base').

    I mean seriously, if you title your next post 'blue sky thinking' or something then'll I'll ~really~ get really worried about you.

  8. Anonymous12:20 am

    Yeah, Ing just needed to 'flag it up' that you began to think 'outside the box' and well, all those phrases are so last season.

  9. Yes, I agree with you Dianne. It's time for a paradigm shift...

  10. Anonymous6:10 am

    My head hurts...I'm going to work now.

  11. Anonymous7:23 pm

    sounds like things are coming together for your college work - have you managed to kick the pacman addiction?

  12. Hey I haven't kicked the wretched PacMan addiction, though I've made it to level 2 *sigh* I just keep getting my butt kicked.


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