Monday, July 03, 2006

Technology and Hot Days

It's official. I'm technologically inept. I was going to test drive the camera today and I couldn't even turn the damn thing on. D'oh! However, the boy came home, rolled his eyes and he couldn't make it go either, so I no longer feel quite so stupid.

Today, is a three shower day. It's really, really hot. What's even better is that my hayfever is behaving itself, I am no longer a woman of mucus and goo! Which I'm sure the cat appreciates, she hates being woken up by my coughing and spluttering.

I did make it out the flat today and went on another trip round the town on a double decker 25 route. Today, the bus driver popped up to see if I was lost. He seemed a bit bemused at my explanation and his parting words were 'do you get on with it then, you'd have been better off in November, my beauty'. I do like Norfolk endearment 'my beauty'. When I worked behind the bar I got called a lot of things, it took me quite awhile to get to grips with 'duck' and 'luv' from complete strangers, but it sure as hell beat 'oi'. I digress.

As the bus rumbled along, I thought through the heart of this project. After a complete circuit, I'm still missing it. If I can get the technology to work, I should be able to provide a link to the pictures I take along the way. I'll try and put them in date and route order. Also, I was thinking about taking routes outside of the city, but that will obviously depend on what's happening with boy.

It also occurred to me that I might aproach First, to ask permission to take pictures on their buses and also for financial help with the travel costs. But as I'm not sure where I'm going with this yet, I'd rather do a few runs, get the images up and see what my avid readers suggest. A bit of research might not be a bad thing either.

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