Saturday, October 22, 2016

The Unexpected

The last two weeks have been difficult. I was hit by a vomiting bug that left me feeling queasy and being very careful about what I ate for a week. The day after my stomach finally settled down, the sore throat and head cold came around to party. The only reason I survived is down to gallons of tea and Beechams cold & flu remedy. Yesterday, I trudged along to my osteopath (not the one I went to in the beginning of September) and he gently coaxed my bones back into their proper alignment. 

From there Dave and I went to the oncologist. He asked after Dave's health, asked a few questions about his digestion and waste-moving works and then gave us the news we did not expect.

Dave is cancer free. He is officially in remission. 

This round of treatment has been successful. 

You will note the lack of the word "cure". It's not something that will ever be used in relation to this cancer. Dave will have follow-up tests every four months for the first two years and then if everything continues to go well, every six months, until the cancer returns. Or he gets run over by a bus. Or the Zombie Apocalypse. 

The fact of the matter is he's cancer free now.

We have more time. 

We went into town and celebrated in this fabulous new eaterie called Figbar that specialises in desserts. There are a couple of nods to savoury foods, but yeah it's all about the dessert there. We had huge mugs of hot chocolate made with whole milk, double cream and butter and three different types of chocolate. I had a maple and pecan swirl, Dave had a bakewell tart. We were like a couple of two year olds on a sugar rush and then had to go nap once the carb coma hit. I'm pretty sure my pancreas is on strike. 

Dave said he'd never spent so much time texting people. 

Today, he's back in the roastery and I'm home again. I'm not entirely sure how I feel apart from the obvious. My head is still a bit stuffed up with goo, but I feel fine otherwise. I'm going to take the weekend slowly and enjoy getting used to the fact he's going to be around to annoy me for a lot longer than we were expecting. It's a damned good feeling, I tell ya.

Dave being a teenager


  1. Brilliant news, Rose. It's great having somebody around to annoy you for longer than you expect. But I have to ask, why are the toilets in Dave's head?

    1. Hi Zed

      It is indeed, fabulous news especially as I'm not bored with him yet.

      Ah..the sign was for the loos down the stairs in Figbar.

      Given Dave also has a potty mind, it also works on that level.


  2. Glad to hear the good news. I hope Dave remains cancer-free for many years to come.

    The offerings from the Figbar sound positively lethal. I should sample them in small doses....

    1. Thanks hon.

      They are morsels of tongue tingling delight. And I'm the person who would take a packet of crisps over chocolate any day!


  3. Wow! What wonderful news! Text away Dave!

    I hope you are feeling better ASAP. Take care.

    1. Isn't it just?

      I'm right as rain. Nothing a few gallons of tea won't cure.


  4. What fantastic & wonderful news! Congratulations on the great results of Dave's treatment! And way to seize the day to do something fun & happy to commemorate & celebrate! Cheers! Thank you for sharing this marvelous news.

    You take care of yourself & get well soon. Stay hydrated & take it easy. Eat chicken soup & drink some ginger ale or tea. Good health & much joy & best wishes to y'all!

    1. Thanks darling. Thank you for celebrating with us.

      I'll be fine. I'm taking it easy this weekend. Somehow I've got to prepare myself for normal life again.


  5. As I've already said over at the Book of Faces, the remission is excellent news. I would also like to commend you on your method of celebration; I feel full up just thinking about that hot chocolate.

    1. The hot chocolate really should be served in espresso cups. I could only manage half my cup. But it was sooooo goooooood!

      When you're next here, you should totally go visit.


  6. Anonymous2:04 pm

    CARAMBA ! Meine allerherzlichsten Glückwünsche ! Beste Grüße an Dave, Alles Gute !

    Now you can pour some chocolate in my Amaretto, thank You ...

    1. It will be my absolute pleasure honey, here you go...

      *pours Amaretto into luxurious hot chocolate for Herr Mago*


  7. HUZZAH!!! I said it over there "on that other social media site" and I have to say it here, too!!! HUZZAH, MAZETOV, MABROUK, and, SWEET MARY SUNSHINE THAT IS HOT DAMN GOOD NEWS! xoxoxo from the MITM, the Krewe and me!!!

    1. Yes you did and bless you for saying it over here again!

      *does happy dance with Savannah*

  8. Oh frabjous day! 0447 is a tad early for bubbles, but I raise my freshly-perked espresso. You go give that old fella a big hug.A proper hug, none of those gentle arm-across-the-shoulder kind.

    1. We celebrated with hot chocolate, so we approve of espresso.

      Don't worry, I think his ribs are hurting as it is. I'm not that gentle.

  9. I'd give you both big hugs if I could!!! Best news of all. may his remission be decades long! xoxoxo

    1. Don't worry, even from so far away, we felt them!

      Massive hugs to you too!


  10. Fantastic news about Dave! The visit to Figbar sounds like a perfect celebration (I keep meaning to pay them a visit, too). Now, it's just you that needs to get back to tip-top health.

    1. Isn't it just?

      You should definitely go. Definitely. You will consume some of the tastiest calories known to humans. Om nom nom.

      Yes, exactly right which is why I unrolled my yoga mat this morning.

      It's going to take some time.

  11. Excellent news!!!! I'm so happy for you.... and yes, I would do the same - eat all the chocolate on offer! Hugs to you both!!

    1. Hugs right back to you lovely lady.

      Thank you so much for popping by!


Hey, how's it going?

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