Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Describes perfectly the state of my brain.

Had a fantastic time in The Bush. Lots of mosquitos and interesting wildlife. A praying mantis stood guard on the wall over my bed. Obviously thought my virtue needed protecting. Could have saved her the bother. My virtue is a dim and distant memory. Thank goodness.

My brother has two donkeys on his estate. Proton and Ashmini. They are so funny. Every time I went to have a smoke, they'd come and join me, snuffling my arms and fingers. I'd crouch down on the driveway and hear their gentle clop-clop and then there would be a tickle on the back of my neck. They never bit me, but did they did try to eat my dress a couple of times.

There's a beach nearby and we'd pile into the landrover and go for a swim. My arms are brown, my legs less so. I suppose that's simply because I tend to keep them covered either in a long dress or jeans. I'm not a huge fan of sea swimming, but the water was so calm and warm, it was fantastic.

On Sunday, after my brother had a morning session in The Bush, pruning, cutting down vines and picking fruit, we tidied up the house to get ready to head back into town. We started on the Carib beers and that continued at the beach, back at the house and on the journey home (though my brother switched to soft drinks). I felt decidedly toxic yesterday. My brother says I out drank him. A surprise to me, but apparently true. With the heat, a Carib is just perfect, and slips down so easily and drinking steadily through the day, I didn't even really feel tipsy, much less drunk. It's too easy, so I will be laying off the Carib for the next few days, my liver really needs a break. Poor thing.


  1. Donkey pix!!!!!!

  2. Be careful of the donkies. They might have tickly velvet noses but they will eventually try to stand on you.

  3. Pix of donkeys eating dress!!!!

  4. xl ~ the quickest way for you to see the pix is to find me on FB.

    ms scarlet ~ they were fairly gentle, but it was disconcerting to be contemplating and then having hot, donkey breath at the back of my neck. They kept snuffling my pony tail.

    dave ~ nope. None available.

  5. Anonymous9:22 pm

    For reasons not to be specified here "donkey" always calls up "salami" before my inner eye ...

  6. mago ~ that is probably one of the most bizarre comments I've ever been left. Donkey = salami to you? Why? How? I need details damn it.

  7. 63mago to tired to sign in3:06 am


  8. mago ~ Asterix? I clearly have some research to do. Go to bed.


Hey, how's it going?

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