Saturday, July 24, 2010

All Change

Last weekend in the Bush, I was getting fed up of my hair. It had got quite long and swung past my shoulder blades. While I'm in Trinidad, I kept it up off my neck in various versions of pony-tails. In 38'C, the mass of hair on the top of my head was getting more than I wanted. Also, with the humidity and the lack of my usual styling routine (I didn't travel with my hair drier) it had turned into bush. My nephew and I were talking about hair cuts and I decided there and then, it would have to go.

I have been going to the same hairdresser in Norwich for the last 14 years. He must be the only straight male hairdresser in Norwich. I keep going back to him because he cuts hair fantastically well, but also because of his kindness. When I was a student and then improverished, he would cut and colour my hair for model prices. Also, when I had 'company' courtesy of my small Boy, he would check my hair without any fuss. There are some who have thrown me out of their chairs if they thought I was sporting head lice. He also is happy to recommend good hair products that he doesn't sell. I trust him implicitly and he's never let me down.

So going to another hairdresser has been an exercise in faith. My dad and nephew recommended their cutter. I was slightly dubious, given they are both blokes and quite frankly are both short, back and sides guys. But she sported a short, sexy number and I decided to go for it.

I had to wait til yesterday and I've been touching my hair ever since. It's a real weight off my mind. It's short, but sexy and fun. I'm dead chuffed with my new hair. It's a lot cooler in this hot weather and has lived up to her promise that it'll look good with minimal fuss.

I just needed a change.


  1. It looks stunning.

    You already did, of course, so now you're stunning squared.

  2. dave ~ you're so good for my ego. Thanks hon.

  3. Very nice hairdo!

  4. it looks fabulous! and y'all look divine, sugar! xoxoxoxox

    (thanks for the kind words earlier, hon! very much appreciated)

  5. WOW!
    Power to you Gurl...

    You Look Fantastic...

  6. It looks really lovely, there's something about shorter hair that always looks really classy.

    I've managed to get hold of my old hairdresser who is going to come to my house (or maybe I'm going to hers) to do my roots and tidy it up. I'm so pleased, because after the last experience at the salon without her I'm not going back.

    I have been reading all your posts, I've just been a bit shit at commenting but I'm thinking of you xx

    P.S. - Love the new layout. I usually read in google reader so I don't get to see it but I came over in search of a new hairdo pic.

  7. xl ~ thanks honey.

    savannah ~ *big hugs* I'm thinking of you sweetie.

    princess ~ thanks for your seal of approval. :-D

    beth ~ hey stranger. I have to say, it was your experience which made me really, really wary.

  8. 38C? Wowza!

    Oh, my mistake.

    I thought you were discussing your bust size.

  9. *returns to check follow-up comments box*

  10. mj ~ 38C? Bloody hell, my back would truly be buggered.


    mj ~ was at a Mango Festival, hence slow reply. Everyone else seems to be doing something more interesting too...


  11. Anonymous1:07 am

    Tell me all about Mangos!

  12. Mangos for Mago!

    Along with guavas, mangos are one of Mistress MJ's favourite fruits.

    Only the mangos from the Caribbean though...not those tasteless ones from China.

    Do you like sapodillas?

  13. mago ~ will do a mango post for you later my dear.

    mj ~ you never cease to surprise me. You know about sapodillas and guavas?! Awesome!

  14. Anonymous4:25 pm

    A juicy fruit ...

  15. mago ~ it is indeed. And yummy.

  16. A very sexy 'do for a sexy gal. Looks great hun.


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