Friday, October 05, 2007

*crack* the sound of my jaw dropping

Those of you in The Know, will be aware that my Viking is a copper. Occasionally he has expressed some frustration at his workload and I have dished out cuddles and biscuits as appropriate. When he says how frustrating he finds working in a target culture, I've teased him about being PC Bastard because if he doesn't have x-number of Fixed Penalty Notices, someone from up high has a quiet word in his shell-like.

Today Inspector Gadget posted about the paperwork that follows a relatively straightforward crime. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the stupidity of it. I knew it was ridiculous from the frustration voiced not only by my Viking, but others of my favourite police bloggers (listed to your left). But seeing the list of forms required and knowing that if they are not filled out exactly they'll only come back with some sarky comment from a paper-pusher stunned me.

No one in their right mind would chose to do this. The money is shite, the clients vile, the public apathetic. But these men and women do it. Day after day.

I know it's not much, but to you incredible people I raise my glass to you. Thank you.

Thank you for doing what you do, day after day, despite the government's best efforts. I may be one voice in the wilderness; but you guys rock!


  1. OK crack too...yes...why does anyone do it? (and don't get me wrong, I'm bloody glad some people still do go for it),

  2. 'Paperwork' it was the same in teaching. And remember they said computers would do away with paper.

    Polce are supposed to 'police' and teachers to 'teach'.

    Sympathy and thanks to your Viking.

  3. Anonymous3:10 pm

    wow that's a lot of paperwork!

    AND I'll bet it has to be kept in triplicate for 7 wonder Iron Mountain have to keep building big warehouses up the M6!

  4. Anonymous8:34 pm

    Yes we rock! if Viking gets a call for more tickets I bet he says, "up ....." Cool!

  5. cogicubnus ~ it defies all logic, doesn't it?

    kaz ~ that's exactly why there's a panel devoted to Those Who Do, and gertie's there too.

    NM ~ presumably. Can you imagine how environmentally friendly it is disposing of all of that paperwork? *shudders*

    twining ~ as a probationer, he doesn't have much leeway for telling anyone up theirs I'm afraid.

  6. He hasn't included all of the statistical dross as well.

    Thanks for your comments over on my blog, I appreciate them.

  7. W*E*B ~ welcome, pull up a chair have a cuppa and a bickie. The comments on The Guv's site with all the other forms including the statistical crap also had me cringing. I think it's bonkers. I just keep wondering how that huge pile paper (in triplicate) is supposed to promote justice, protect the innocent, punnish the guilty? Perhaps that's just me being silly again?

    Your blog rocks and I'm sorry you've had such a tough time of it lately. Drop by any time.


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