Monday, October 15, 2007

Burma Petition

It's Monday, with it's usual stuff.

For some people however, life is a bit more tightrope than juggling work, household maintenance and keeping primary relationships together. For some, there is the knock on the door in the middle of the night. For some there is no opportunity to moan about government targets in the relative safety of the internet.

Twining is once again our conscience. Many thanks for his raising awareness on the issue. Please sign this petition to support the monks and peoples of Burma.


  1. Anonymous7:44 pm

    Roses, it is flattering to be referred to in the way you do, as “conscience.” Sadly I am viewed as anything but that; the words “loose cannon”, “troublesome”, even “vexatious” have been used towards me. And some of these comments have been made my Black colleagues who have their own racism’s to hide. When you are free you don’t have racism’s. I know you are free too.

    But still my conscience is clear. My genuine message is that there's alot of good colleagues out there who care. We just need to show it....and make our voices heard….I don’t speak for all Black colleagues, nor the NBPA, because I am not allowed in. I do speak for myself; I have no privileges to keep, and my duty is to do what I can to make things better. In my service I think I have taken things forward. Those that know me will know that actually this is the truth…

  2. The problem with speaking the truth as you see it, is the accompanying labels. Those are your badges of honour, wear them with pride; they do not apply to the Keepers of the System.

  3. "When you are free you don’t have racisms."

    Nice one PeePee.

  4. Roses,

    Have a look at these and look out a pair of your 'frillies'!

  5. Anonymous6:39 pm

    Yo Noddy, thanks. I know I have freinds here.


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