Sunday, November 05, 2006

Flash, Bang, Whizz

For the last three days Norwich nights have been filled with a variety of those sounds. Mostly I'm not bothered, except for the ones that go off at 2.30 am and wake me up hyperventillating. Last night, I was in bed, cuddling up to my pillows at 8.30pm nodding off to the sounds of fireworks. I remember waking up at about 3.00am thinking 'gosh, it's awfully quiet'.

Work today was not fun. It felt like I had everyones share of stroppy and narked callers. But the good thing was I came home. I'm turning into such a homebody. I love my home, it might be dusty, filled with dirty dishes and the corpses of thousands of dead fleas - but it's mine.

I caught the Number 28 bus back into Norwich and there I endured Clash of the Ring Tones. Two blonde, chav teenagers were at war with two dark haired chav lads. They decided to play the most annoying ring tones at full volume. The only good thing about that experience was that neither group had anything vaguely connected with the Crazy Frog, or I would have lost it completely. I got off the bus as soon as I could and stalked home. The walk did me good. And the cat opened one eye in greeting.


  1. Yes sorry about that roses, i was bored yesterday and i think i rang once too often just for fun ;~)

    Interestingly i am enjoying being a homebody also. Often, my home can resemble a youth club but more recently i have had it all to myself and, i quite like it.

  2. Somehow I think if it was you ringing, I wouldn't have minded.

    Let's compare bedroom notes ~ is your floor an extention of your wardrobe?

  3. I am quite anal with my belongings so, no, it looks like a floor. However, DIY jobs and decorating are my achilles heel. I find, soft lighting directed away from the crumbling plaster and broken glass helps a bit ;~)

  4. Crumbling plaster is part of the rustic look. So you are not only tidy, you're also trendy. How cool are you?


Hey, how's it going?

Bank Holiday Sunday

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